“Big Girls Don’t Cry” is an Amazon Prime original series centered on the dynamics of a boarding school and the ensuing drama. Recently, it was unveiled...
Being a woman is challenging; a woman’s life is a path with hurdles, and with each victory, a new challenge emerges. Indian television serials have played...
Elvish Yadav, a YouTuber and actor who emerged as the winner of winner of Bigg Boss OTT 2, has grabbed headlines due to allegations of assaulting...
The Tollywood industry encompasses diverse films in languages like Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, and more. It is a collection of captivating stories. With the rise of...
The South Indian film industry includes Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, and Malayalam cinema which has always been an amalgamation of talent and creativity. Below are the top...
Manisha Rani, renowned for her participation in Bigg Boss 17, clinched victory in the 11th season of Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa. Defying the odds of a wild...
Gifting is one of the best ways to make your loved ones feel special. A gift reflects that you care for them, it represents your love...
Multitalented artist Anurag Dhobal is gearing up for an electrifying performance in ‘Rangreza.’ The teaser’s release has left fans exhilarated. Joining him is Bigg Boss 17...
If you are also searching for some quality content to watch on OTT, then you have reached your destination. The following list takes you through some...
BiggBoss season 17 concluded recently, with Munawar Faruqi emerging as the winner, facing tough competition from various other strong contestants, including Ankita Lokhande. Recognized as one...