“Madhubala, the legendary actress who once reigned supreme in the film industry, will be immortalized in a biopic. Directed by Jasmeet K Reen, known for her...
MUMBAI: The year 2023 was rich in blockbusters and Bollywood success stories. In 2024 there is a lot of buzz around upcoming blockbusters. Bollywood’s king of...
Dil Bechara was released after the death of late actor Sushant Singh Rajput, it was his last work of art. He acted Alongside Sanjana Sanghi. The...
In a recent interview With ANI, Mr. Tripathi talked about the prevalent issue of stereotyping. He opened up about Bollywood’s tendency to stereotype roles based on...
Following the success of last year’s hits like Pathaan and Dunki, the industry is gearing up for another round of blockbusters and artistic gems. Top stars...
Actor Sharad Kelkar had an interesting year in 2023. With his two web series being loved by the audience, the actor ruled hearts. While fans loved...