“Madhubala, the legendary actress who once reigned supreme in the film industry, will be immortalized in a biopic. Directed by Jasmeet K Reen, known for her...
“Big Girls Don’t Cry” is an Amazon Prime original series centered on the dynamics of a boarding school and the ensuing drama. Recently, it was unveiled...
Dance Deewane, a popular reality show, is ready to make a grand comeback with an exciting new season. The esteemed judging panel features the timeless Bollywood...
The director of the film, Siddharth Anand has a track record of delivering the biggest blockbuster considering last year’s Pathaan. The lead role of the film...
MUMBAI: The year 2023 was rich in blockbusters and Bollywood success stories. In 2024 there is a lot of buzz around upcoming blockbusters. Bollywood’s king of...
The wait is finally over! The long-awaited inauguration of the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya took place on January 22. Thousands of devotees gathered at the temple...
Dil Bechara was released after the death of late actor Sushant Singh Rajput, it was his last work of art. He acted Alongside Sanjana Sanghi. The...
The stellar lineup of artists includes Garvit- Priyansh, Vasu Kainth, Savneet Singh, Parth Srivastava, and Shivam Srivastava In a pioneering move towards nurturing and promoting fresh...
12th Fail directed by Vidhu Vinod Chopra is based on the real-life story of Manoj Sharma in the real-life. It has received heaps of praise from...
Actress Sonam Kapoor, got back to the movies last year after her pregnancy, she claims that She is ready to explore the streaming platforms if she...