“Madhubala, the legendary actress who once reigned supreme in the film industry, will be immortalized in a biopic. Directed by Jasmeet K Reen, known for her...
Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone’s film Fighter saw a significant increase in box office collection on its second day, after underperforming on its opening day, minting...
MUMBAI: The year 2023 was rich in blockbusters and Bollywood success stories. In 2024 there is a lot of buzz around upcoming blockbusters. Bollywood’s king of...
The wait is finally over! The long-awaited inauguration of the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya took place on January 22. Thousands of devotees gathered at the temple...
January 13th is celebrated as Lohri this year. On this auspicious festival, numerous celebrities use social media to share their happiness and good wishes. Lohri is...