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10 Signs You're Ready For A Relationship 10 Signs You're Ready For A Relationship

Love & Relationships

10 Signs You’re Ready For A Relationship

Rehan Akhtar



From a psychological, spiritual, and practical perspective, it’s perfectly obvious that if you don’t appreciate yourself, giving and receiving love becomes more difficult. When you don’t appreciate yourself, you don’t recognize just how you should be treated by someone else. If you don’t know that, then you’re bound to accept the kind of ‘love’ you’re being given even if it isn’t good for you. So, when you ask “Am I ready for a relationship?” there are a few aspects to consider.

It’s never easy to know whether you’re ready to date somebody new — nobody wants to break their heart again, and commitment is risky. Also if you feel a lot more comfortable about yourself, and feel as though you’ve stepped on completely since your last romance, it can be daunting to jump back into a new relationship. Here are some things you should look out for when you ask yourself the question of getting into a relationship.


1. You’re the better half of yourself

You know you’re interested in a relationship when you don’t need a commitment to be content and deserving, when you want a relationship to share your love and not get love when accepting yourself and expressing your love is more valuable to you than having more control over receiving love. You are ready if you want a connection to strengthen your development, rather than fill your emptiness.


2. You attract the energy you give

When you’re in the self-love and approval energy, it’s simpler to magnetically lure another like-minded companion who very much loves him/herself but is present, keen, and primed for healthy, happy, whole intimacy.


3. Understanding the importance of Communication

This is often seen as one of the more mature aspects of any relationship. Communication. In any connection, there is balance and sacrifice. That could mean anything from watching a kind of film you may not like, to adapting to a bigger country or city for the one you value. For a stable, balanced relationship the simple truth is — the contentment of your companion is just as vital as your own. Your ability at points to place them first is a symbol of your readiness to commit.


4. You are willing to look at the bigger picture

No matter how well two people get along with each other, odds are that you won’t like every solitary little thing about someone else. There may be little oddities you have to accept (and perhaps ignore). If you get irritated by all they do, this will create unnecessary strain in the relationship. There are a lot of things that your partner might find good about themselves, something which at one point has become an indispensable part of their life, but if you don’t like it- you cannot expect them to change it in an instant. Would you change something indispensable about yourself if your partner asked?


5. Accept them as you wish to be accepted yourself

You can’t relate to the forlorn hope of shaping somebody into the kind of person you want them to be. It’s important to remember that in a healthy relationship, both parties should inspire each other to be the better version of themselves — this isn’t the same as trying to alter the essence of others. joy comes from being truthful, and being able, to be honest, comes from being able to open up to others without being criticized. When you’re in such a relationship, you will see your partner glow and grow as they keep becoming a better part of themselves.


6. Being single is not out of the options

Single is just a term to describe somebody strong enough to live their own life until the right one comes along just to connect to it. If you are actively looking for a partner out of isolation, you will find yourself attracted to the first person that comes along. We all need dignity and self-respect to commit ourselves only to those who appreciate it, and the only way we can wait is to be happy before they come along.


7. Your ex is not in the equation anymore

We all have a history, and that needs to be acceptable to the new person in our lives. But we do have to recognize this about ourselves as well, and in the past, we should leave it. This is clearly not cut and dried if children or other shared obligations are involved, outside of the relationship. When with someone, the other person expects you to give their full attention to them (not in the literal sense).


8. When you know the difference between your wants and needs

Relationships are always something that we, as a humans- want. There has never been a necessity of starting a relationship. It is not a need. You’re ready for a relationship when you know that you don’t need someone to love you, but you’re ready for it; that you’re ready to experience that feeling again. You’ll be ready when you know that you’re not searching for happiness in someone else and that you know that the first source of happiness is you- yourself.


9. You’re ready to accept some additions to your life

While your whole life can never be a relationship, it does infuse its existence. You get in touch with their friends, family members, hobbies, pets, and life issues. Things related to them become a part of yourself, just as things close to you become a familiar part of them. Privacy is vital, but your readiness to welcome someone completely into your life and habits is what will let the other person know that you care and are prepared to commit to them. In taking on life together so they can become your partner. You’ll build bridges, rather than just surfaces, between your lives.


10. You’re willing to take a chance

A person ready for love and intimacy is aware of the risk and unpredictability that comes with finding love. They know the relationship will continue to develop and grow into something beautiful — or it will not. Either way, this person knows that they will be better for it since they will always be there for the love and support that they have for themselves.


Let us know through the comments if you think there are some other factors as well!

Love & Relationships

10 Best Gifts To Give To Your Girlfriend

Rehan Akhtar



Best Gifts To Give To Your Girlfriend

Gifting is one of the best ways to make your loved ones feel special. A gift reflects that you care for them, it represents your love for them. It enhances the beauty of any occasion, be it a birthday, anniversary, or just any random day. Because you don’t need any specific day to spoil your girlfriend. When you gift something to the person you love, it conveys a message of your creativity.  It also reflects that you are taking out time just for them.  This will make them fall in love with you all over again. But what to gift is the hardest question ever. We become clueless and confused while finding the perfect gift for them. So, here are 10 best gifts to give to your girlfriend.


1. Clothes

A girl may have a closet overflowing with clothes but it will still not be enough for her. Thus making clothes the best and safest option to gift her. You can get whatever she likes the most. It can be a beautiful dress, a cool biker jacket, a pair of classic jeans, etc. But her favorite thing out of all is your hoodie or t-shirt. Wearing it makes her feel more connected to you as well as super happy. So, go ahead and gift her, her favorite clothes.


2. Handmade Photo Book

Handmade gifts have something so special in them that no other gift can beat. It conveys the immense love and care for your girlfriend through your work. She will feel like the most special girl in this whole world. So, making a handmade photo book is a perfect idea. Show her either her journey or the journey of your beautiful relationship through a photo book. Add some amazing thoughts and memories connected with a particular photo. And Voila, you will get the tag of the ‘best boyfriend in the world’.


3. Flowers

The old-school ways never fail. A beautiful bunch of roses will always make her happy. You can replace the roses with her favorite flower. Also, you can customize the bouquet into a particular shape like a heart or her initials. This is one of the most romantic gifts you can ever give to them. Even if you fought you can make up for it. This sweet gesture and the beauty of the flowers always make things right.


4. Magical Surprise Date

Who doesn’t love surprises? Especially if they are from your loved ones. So, plan a magical date for her. A beautiful date set up with fairy lights, romantic music playing in the background, and a candlelight dinner. This will be one of the most memorable days for her. Thus, making her feel supremely special and lucky. So, leave no stone unturned to plan the date of your life.


5. Makeup and Skincare

Every girl has a thing for makeup. Even if they don’t apply a full face of makeup but lipstick, Kajal, and mascara are a go-to thing for every girl. So, make a little box and put all her favorites into it. The cherry on the cake is adding the skincare she uses. Be it her moisturizer, night cream, face wash, etc. This is a small gesture but will have a huge impact on her. It will reflect how much you know about her and care for her.


6. Promise Ring

Give her a promise ring and put a stamp of being forever there for her whenever she needs you. You can go for personalized rings. They can be engraved with any particular date you want, the initials of your name, or any word that tells the story of your relationship. Rings are an ancient way to seal the deal forever. Thus, making it one of the best gifts ever.


7. Comfy Period Kit

Periods visit every single month and with it comes the painful cramps and mood swings. So, making a personalized period kit is a mind-blowing idea. Your girlfriend will be shocked because of the amount of love you have for her. Your caring nature will melt her heart. Include a packet of sanitary pads, pant liners, a cramp roll-on, a cute hot water bottle, some chocolates, and snacks. Voila, the perfect gift is ready. Your thoughtful nature will double the amount of love she has for you.


8. Watch

A watch is a must-have. Doesn’t matter if your girl doesn’t like to accessorize much but she will always wear a watch. So, gifting a watch is the perfect option. You can go for basic colors like black, silver, or gold. This is a gift that will be always useful for her. Whenever she wears the watch gifted by you it will act as a constant reminder of you for her. Thus, she will cherish it forever.


9. Bags

Girls are obsessed with bags. They have a specific bag for every specific occasion. A separate bag for college, office, parties, to run errands, to pair with traditional outfits and the list goes on. So pick a beautiful bag that fits your budget and gift it to her. She will be super happy about it.


10. Manicure Kit

Girls love to take care of themselves and one thing they do for it is maintaining their nails. From growing them to filing them to get the perfect shape. Owning a huge color collection of nail paints and still not getting enough of them is a problem with every girl. Also getting their nails done is always on their to-do list. So, relieve them from this headache by gifting them a manicure kit.


So, shower your love by gifting these best gifts to your girlfriend. Also, comment down below your favorite out of all.

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